The task of preparing your house for market can be a daunting one. Meeting and choosing the right agent, decluttering, depersonalizing, hiring contractors to make needed repairs- it’s an endless and exhausting list and you still haven’t yet had to deal with the stress of having buyers traipse through your house. Remarkably, we have somebody who can help! 

Judy Penders is the owner of Ducks in a Row Organizing. We started working with her last year and she’s quickly become an indispensable adjunct member of our team. It’s hard to describe what it is that she does that makes her service so valuable and so impactful but let me give it a try. In short, she helps those who are overwhelmed with the process of listing their house for sale by taking tasks off of their hands. These tasks can include anything from boxing and packing to ordering dumpsters and filling them with garbage to bagging clothing and donating it to Goodwill. 

Although the services may sound mundane, they really are a huge help for those who don’t have the time or, often, the physical ability to do the work themselves. Case in point- I was working with an older couple this past fall. He was physically compromised and unable to help his wife prepare the house for sale. She was doing a great job until she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Forgetting that she had moved clothing and furniture, she tripped and fell and broke an ankle. We referred Judy who showed up the next day and we listed the property for sale the next week. 

Finally, as if that’s not enough- she’s a pleasure to work with. She’s kind and compassionate and patient and has the strength and energy of a plow horse! So, if you’re a bit overwhelmed with all that you have to do, consider contacting Judy!